Realization #1: The last week+ has been the usual state of frantic life. I hate it. We had our vacation(s) then we have to return home and pick right back up. I discovered that while on a normal basis I enjoy working my new job, it is a job that I cannot easily take time off of. That kind of stinks. I thought I would be able to kind of check out and it would be there when I got back. NO such luck. I ended up working just as many hours as I usual do, only this time it was in a more frantic pace. Trying to cram those hours into an evening and Saturday morning and a few hours on Friday just made me feel like I was completely behind, and overwhelmed. Next time I need some time off, I need to figure out a way to do it differently. Realization #1: So, apparenlty I have a job that allows me to take as much time off as I want, however, trying to actually take that time off is problematic.
Realization #2: My two oldest children have experienced Europe and may decide that they are good with living far, far away. Kirsten LOVED England. It sounds like she was an amazing traveler. Dean said she never really got flustered when they were lost and enjoyed all the sights and sounds that England had to offer. She mastered the public transportation system and was off and running. Josh has so far traipsed around Paris and now onto Florence, Italy. He sent a postcard, but other than that, our interaction has been purely thru Facebook postings and seeing his posted pictures. I am just thankful that Evy stayed here otherwise, he might not return. Realization #2--two of my children are all grown up and able to experience the world on their own.
Realization #3: Dean's Mom recently fell and broke her leg and ankle. What started as a difficult break turned into a really difficult break when she had massive swelling and the swelling resulted in a very fragmented ankle. Two surgeries later and she is headed to the health care center for what will probably be months of rehab. The possibility that she may have a hard time returning home alone after this looms. We anticipate a full recovery, but suddenly we were thrust into the 'what ifs'. My mother on the other hand seemed to be finally gaining some confidence. She is out and about, spending time with others and getting involved a little bit. Then we had a little mix-up and she scheduled a somewhat routine intestinal hernia repair surgery on my annual girls' weekend. Oops. That weekend is my sanity and it is sacred...I don't change it, without the death of someone near and dear involved. I didn't put it together until this morning and there was no way I could back out of my weekend (I leave Friday). My first thought was 'oh F***!', then I thought it wouldn't be that big of deal. Dean could get her there and he works a few blocks from the hospital. I was scheduled to fly home the evening of the day of surgery, so I could pick it up from there. She wasn't so sure. She just called me and told me that she decided to reschedule her surgery. She didn't feel like she could do it unless I was in town and at the hospital. So, Realization #3: My children may be growing up, but our mothers are more dependant on us than ever. We have officially entered 'that stage'.
Ah life...