The other night I was at book club when we got in a discussion about deal breakers. The main character in the book we were discussing had listed those things that were so loathsome to him, that if when he met someone they possessed any of these traits, he dismissed all possibility of forming a relationship with that person. The question was asked, ok, so what is YOUR deal breaker? The conversation took an amazing turn and soon our laughter bordered on hysteria.
Our book club consists of a variety. Me, the old married woman with grown (or almost grown) children. Younger moms of small children, young wives, and young single women. (Did you catch that I am the oldest–uh huh...I’m learning to embrace it!). Obviously with the diversity that is in our group we were going to have some definite differences in what our deal breakers were. Obviously some of us are out of the dating scene. I was having a hard time trying to think of what my deal breaker was until one of the women shared that she had once dated a man who had recently won a school bus driving competition. That was it! Something to start my deal breaker list–must not enter school bus driving competitions for entertainment! There, I came up with one.
From that point I could come up with several–IF I was young and single. I think the list would look something like this:
1. Must not live with his Mother.
2. Must have a full-time job that does not result in the creation of stinky laundry.
3. Must not wear jeans with a waist size that is smaller than mine.
4. Must not have any facial tattoos
5. Must only ingest garlic at the same time as me
6. Must have access to facilities for regular bathing and use said facilities on a regular basis
There, I think that is enough. Oh and for the record...I LOVE my new book club.