So, I was in a good mood this morning. I like to go to my new job and I was looking forward to a longer day where I could finally get some of the financial stuff entered into the computer. I knew I could stay later today, so it was all good. Lunch packed, coffee ready, all set. I got to the office early. Of course the 5 minute commute has a little to do with that. LOVE.THAT.
After a half hour, I got a phone call from the school counseslor. She said that Annika was in the office, very upset and saying that on a scale of 1-10 she was a 7 for wanting to commit suicide. The counselor pushed her a bit but Annika said she didn’t want to talk about it, so the counselor called me. I told her that I felt it was safest for her to be at school and surrounded by people. That is not to say that I don't take what she says seriously, it is just that I also know that she is an expert in saying the things that she knows can manipulate. AND in fact, last week I had a huge showdown with her on a Monday along the same lines. That night, she confessed to me that she was trying to manipulate and work me to let her have a day off. I told the counselor I was surprised by her statements, but if she could be in class without being a huge distraction to others that would be best. Apparently, yesterday Annika called her friend's house 15x (no school, boredom, wanting to get ahold of her friend, etc lead to a HUGE lapse in judgment and calling rules). Apparently, she left a couple of messages and the rest were just hang-ups (they were out of town for the day), but apparently her friend's parents look at their caller id and count numbers. WhatEVER. I have caller ID, but I am not in the habit of doing this, but I also don't have anyone 'stalking' me. At school this morning, the friend went to Annika and said that her parents were really upset and mad at Annika for calling so much. GREEEEEAAAAATTTTTT. So, that caused Annika to go off. Then another girl, the one who loves to stir the pot and bully, had to throw in a little shit and the race was off.
Ok, so I get done talking with the counselor and with Annika. Always a delight when she is in that mode...'you don't understand Mom', 'you don't care about me', 'I can't do this'. I knew that my 5 back-ups in these types of situations were all unavailable. I told Annika it was not possible to go home. Let's remember that I have a new job and that my attendance is a little more mandatory.
A few minutes later I get a call from the head of our shrink team, (Sharon, aka Yoda) telling me I have to go get Annika. The school counselor apparently called her. Sharon said reading between the lines, she didn’t think the school wanted the responsibility. So once again I feel like a shitty parent that is suspected by the school. I went to school and got her within 5 minutes. We came back to church. But, guess what happened then.
Well, in my haste to leave, I left my phone and my church keys on my desk. Not a big deal, I left my door open a crack, put a note on saying 'back in 5 minutes' and left. No problem, EXCEPT that my office door sucked closed when I exited out the back door of church. I didn’t realize this until I got back to church and went upstairs to my office and oh joy, oh goodness, my door is closed and locked. I have this really awesome thing on my office door, automatic lock (who the decided that was necessary?) Oh and did I mention that neither PJ, Yuanita, or Marv were anywhere to be found? After trying to pick the door lock with a paperclip, I finally got ahold of Marv and he came and unlocked it. This was all before 10 am
Have I mentioned how much I love my life??
UPDATE: She survived. We had an appointment later that afternoon and she mapped out a new plan of attack in these situations. It involves numbers, ratings, feelings, reactions. Another part of our routine. She went to school the next day without a problem.