I have come to the realization that our family is a little odd. When I say that, I mean it in a good way. I like being a little odd. Some probably look at us and go 'those Haans'. We have interesting discussions. We have quirky humor. We have a lot of completely random moments. It is all good, even when it isn't.
This week a few of the events that some might find a little odd. Kirsten has been B-E-G-G-I-N-G to get a banjo. No, she doesn't know how to play one. She just thinks they are cool and she likes the sound. She has dreams of a quirky band combo with a banjo, bongos, and maybe a viola (the instrument she does know how to play). She wasn't asking us to buy her one, she just wanted our permission to allow her to buy one. We finally relented...why not. So this week, a large triangular shaped box was deposited on our front porch, inside it was her dream banjo....

She was ALMOST as excited as she was last week when she went snowshoeing....almost....
Speaking of random (I think I was, wasn't I??). I received an e-mail from Josh the other day. It was entitled 'Birthday List'. I opened it to find a link. Now, I appreciate receiving gift ideas, but his birthday isn't until May 25. I tend to work thru one event at a time. Up next is Kirsten's 18th birthday on February 25. I get thru that one, and then I will start thinking about Josh's. Although, since he will be in Europe on his 21st birthday, do I really need to do much? After all, that sounds like a pretty darn good birthday to me.
I digress...the link lead me to the following item:
Seems like a perfectly logical gift for a 21 year old, right? He later sent me an e-mail telling me he was serious. I replied that I knew he was.
No, we seem like a perfectly normal, sane family to me.
love your random family!! a banjo and harry potter legos....doesn't get much better!