I know someone who has a blog and she does 'Flashback Fridays'. I like the idea, so I am going to copy her...sorry Dee! Well I won't copy you completely, I will dub mine 'Friday Flashbacks'. Today, my flashback is of Annika, our youngest. Annika is now 13 and in the 7th grade. She has had her share of struggles. When she was little, she kept us laughing most of the time. She was the toddler that was hard to discipline because she cracked you up so much! Annika wasn't intimidated by much, she still isn't. She would do things with no concern about whether or not it might look silly or weird to someone else. The video clip that I have attached was taken by Kirsten 6 years ago. When Dean and I came home from work that night, we were greeted with Annika and Kirsten out on the sidewalk in front of our house....Annika thought she could make a little spare change by singing and playing her harmonica. Some of you have seen this...some of you haven't. Enjoy.
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