Once a year I have a ‘girls’ weekend. I spend the weekend with 4 girls who knew me when and love me just the same! It is a weekend that we all consider sacred and look forward to for months. This year, only four of us could be there, but we still managed to have a fabulous time. Its hard for me to really relay why this weekend is so amazing for me. I think maybe its because it’s a time where there is no judgment, no pretense, no competition. It’s a time where you can wake up with horrible bed-hair and still hang around for two hours drinking coffee together before you even think about taking a shower. It’s a time where you can be brutally honest, bare the ‘girls’, overflow a hot tub while squealing with laughter, kick each other when we snore, jokingly call each other bitches, and giggle, snicker, laugh and cry. It’s a time where we have all the time in the world to listen to each other and encourage each other. It’s a time where you can, without apology, share those recurrent issues in your life that never seem to go away and that honestly have no solution. It’s a time that is good for my soul. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making it happen girls! I love you all.
In summary, I want to memorialize here a few quotes from this year’s time together. Most of these won’t mean a thing to anyone but us, but I just can’t resist....
I’m trying to embrace my inner beet-ness.
It’s really complicated to explain how to make the bed.
I’m sorry I asked.
My bulbs are popping.
You bitches let me sleep on the couch???
hot tub? hot tub?? hot TUB??? HOT TUB????
Push flush lever extra hard.
Did cavemen eat this??
No I can see NO future in that (in response to a request to take a picture).
We’ll call it ‘junk in the trunk in tulips’ (in response to TAKING the picture).
Cavemen ate pizza.
Really tall with bigger cups, that’s what I want in a tulip.
Really?? Where else would we go bitch? (speaking to ‘Zelda’ our GPS)
White people is watchin’ you.
Becky needs more gin.
shhhhhh, can you hear the frogs??
Esther needs bread.
Noooooooooooo, VARY, not VERY
That was my pre-medication days.
Zelda, you suck.
Her hair, her demeanor, her dark roots, she so reminds me of ***..
I could dive into that bowl of tartar and be quite happy.
I love you.
I have a once a year get together with my closest girl friends too... thought you might like this quote to pass on to them.... the special bond between woman is incredible and so healing to the soul.
"Oh the comfort - the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person - having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away."
I suspect that this is the amazing thing lost when you describe the loss of what you felt was a good friend. Who wants to lose that right? Brutality it is to the heart and soul indeed.
Yes.... the same anonymous lady that sent you stuff about Uinta RTC