These pictures were taken on our first trip to Mexico. We were working in the Cancun area on Betania Reformed Presbyterian Church. The church had been destroyed during Hurricane Wilma in 2004. The first picture gives you a perspective of the height that we were at in the second picture (we were on the top of that wall). The man in the picture with us was our Host Papa for the week. He was a wonderful man who worked hard, carried his Bible in his bag along with his cement working tools, and always had a smile in his eyes. I remember him being on top of the wall and shouting for 'Deam and Kim' to come up with him. Dean, who hates heights, didn't dare tell him no. He wanted Dean and I with him up top to do a concrete pour (the kind where you make a line and everyone passes up buckets of concrete). I remember standing on this make-shift scaffolding several feet up in the air. Everyone down on the ground was asking us if we were paid up on our life insurance. The plank we are standing on was very wobbly. I still remember being up high and looking out over the impoverished neighborhood., the rutted dirt roads, the beating of music in the distance, the warm sun beating down on us. And the smells--kind of a mix between sewage, rotting garbage (there was the neighborhood 'dump' across the road) and food cooking. I wish I was there now!

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