May 25, 1990, our first child, Joshua Michael Haan was born. We had almost seen his appearance 5 weeks earlier, when I was hospitalized for a week due to pre-term labor. After that, he decided to hang tight until 2 days before his due date when he made his appearance. He was a endearing child from the moment he was born. This first picture of Joshua, he is 3 months old, his first formal portrait.

Joshua was an inquisitive child, he still is. He was also quite a toddler he would walk around and pick up little pieces of lint off of our dark grey carpeting and deposit them into the garbage. He has always been VERY observant, he loves to sit quietly and soak it all in. As a baby, I remember him sitting in his infant seat, or walker, just watching me do things, like paint a room. When he was 2, his favorite movie was Disney's 'Fantasia'. He would sit quietly, or lay on the couch, and watch the 3 hour movie. I remember a friend of mine being blown away at his attention span. He also knew where the cookies were kept at anyone's home that we would frequent. He would toddle over to the appropriate spot and wait patiently for his reward. Hah! Kind of reminds me of our dog Trini that way!
(Josh when we were in Colima, Mexico)

Today he is a sophomore at Seattle Pacific University. He came home last night, so that he could be home for his birthday dinner--a family tradition--on their birthday, each child picks a restaurant and we go out to eat, just the 5 of us. It is always great to have him back at home. While some know him to be very quiet, he actually will talk your ear off, sharing his insight and observations. He has grown up into an amazing, loving, caring, intelligent and humble young man. His discernment never ceases to amaze me. His compassion and patience for others often puts me to shame. He is passionate about learning other languages and cultures and has truly found his niche as he studies linguistics and sociology. I am excited to see where this path will take him. Happy 20th Birthday Josh! I'm proud to call you my son and I love you with all my heart!
(Josh and Evy--the girl who a friend once told me to be
really nice too, because one day she might make me a Grandma!)
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