Friday, March 26, 2010

The beginning.

Over the years I have had friends tell me that I needed to write a book. More recently I have had people tell me, write a blog, please write a blog. So, I finally decided to do it. I sat down and I set up a blog. I hope those that asked me to start this aren’t disappointed.

Besides being encouraged to start this adventure, I decided to go ahead and take this step as a therapy of sorts for me. I often feel my day ends and I haven’t used all my words. I also feel a need for a creative outlet of some sort. I’m also doing it because my memory is beginning to fail me more than I like. Maybe early onset Alzheimers?? I can’t remember. I hope to be able to memorialize here the funny, the sad, the joyous, the disappointing, the hurt, the victory and the oftentimes completely unbelievable that occurs in my day to day life.

And so I begin...


  1. looking forward to more. :)

  2. Hi Kim! I am officially a follower now!! Just can't figure out how to upload a pic, oh well. I love your story, you have such a gift for writing. Thank you for sharing your heart and story. I love the title of your blog, I no longer am going to use the excuse of being too busy not to connect with friends, too much is lost by not making time for each other. I think and pray for you and your fam often and look forward to coffee or dinner with you soon!
