Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Letting go.

How do you let things go? I have a MAJOR issue with this in some circumstances. Some things, I am so good about letting go of. Purging my closet. Purging my cupboards. Moving to a new home. Getting rid of major items. All of those things come rather easily to me. The thing that is tough for me is to move past those emotional hurts that I can do absolutely NOTHING about. I’ve written about this before. What do you do when you know you need to move on and forget, but you keep running in that circle?

Today I am in that loop again. Dean gets annoyed with me sometimes, because I will bring the same thing up over, and OVER, and OVER AGAIN. He will say to me ‘why do you keep torturing yourself?’. I honestly don’t know the answer to that. The logical part of me is completely sane in these matters, the emotional part of me is a complete wreck. I lose sleep. I wake up at night and go over situations and over and over them. I replay conversations. I think of things that I wish I had said, or that I wish I could say or that I wish I hadn’t said. Bottom line, usually I can’t get over it because I hurt and I’m lonely and I miss someone, or I miss the relationship that I thought we had.

We have been in a small ‘crisis’ mode around our house this past week. Our youngest is in emotional turmoil about going to school next week and so she has taken a few steps backwards in her journey towards good mental health. It is always tough when this happens. This week is no different. Yesterday, her Dr. told me to NOT stay home with her. She said it was Dean’s turn and for me to stay home with her would not be a good thing for her. So, what was I to do with my day? I didn’t have to be at work. The pathetic part was, that I sat and thought, I don’t really have anyone that I can go hang out with for the day. I miss having close relationships where I could call and say, hey I am coming over. You know, the type of last minute/pop in/ randomly text cryptic messages only they understand kind of thing. Don’t get me wrong, we have some amazing people in our lives, but yesterday I felt very alone. Maybe because it is the type of situation where you are alone, no matter who you have in your life. Only Dean and I really know how it feels to be her parent. It isn’t fair to expect other people to understand.

I ended up spending the day doing a variety of things. We had 2 appointments so that took up some time. I went to a restaurant and read a book while eating lunch. I got a pedicure. I did some browsing in different discount stores. It was a peaceful day, all things considered, but it gave me too much time to think. And then, I found myself again in that loop of feeling inadequate and bad friendship material. I’m still there again today. If only the one I really miss contact with would reach out. But I know that won’t happen and so for today, I’m going to be sad about that. And tomorrow, is a new day.


  1. aww Kim..what a horrible feeling. One that I am sure many of us have felt at one time or another, but all the same not a good thing. Being a parent is such a hard job, and when our kids have more than the "usual" teen challenges it makes it even worse. The teen years are hard enough with out any extra problems that need to be solved. I feel so bad for your daughter, but I also feel bad for you as a mother who has to go through this also. I hope your writing/blogging helps for you to get the feelings out. I know there isnt any words that help, but I am sure that there are many people thinking and praying for you to help you through this time. I am here if you need a Long-distance shoulder to lean may not be much but the offer is there :)
    I will be thinking of you....the next couple of weeks will be tough I am sure. Please reach out and find the support you need, trust the Drs. to help you, and take some times for yourself. YOU DESERVE IT! (((HUGS))))

  2. Thank you Wanda! I appreciate it...a lot!

  3. Honestly, the best thing I've found is focusing somewhere outside of MYSELF. Actively. As in doing something that automatically shifts the focus onto either something or someone else.

    Also, easier said than done, meditation to keep you in the moment. Because whatever the "hurt" is, it happened in the past. It is not NOW. And NOW is pretty much all that really matters or is real. In this very moment is anyone doing anything to hurt you? Is anything bad happening to you? Chances are the answer is NO. Therefore, if you can truly be present, you will find no reason to rehash the hurt. Our minds will fight us on this. Our minds want to keep replaying the past like a movie reel. Thinking is kind of the enemy. Just "being" is the antidote. But geeze it takes a lot of practice to retrain ourselves. I know.
