Friday, December 10, 2010

It has been an interesting week.

It has been another interesting week.  Both good and bad and then the not so good and not so bad.  Today as I sit here though I have some peace.  I feel that I have been able to clarify a few things in my mind and that feels wonderful.  I will share a little of what I learned this week, (or what I was reminded of this week).

I enjoy listening.  Don't misunderstand me, I LOVE talking too!  Those of you that know me,  know that.  But, I honestly enjoy listening to other people tell me things about their lives.  I never fail to learn something.

I can take criticism, even the harsh and super-critical kind.  I don't like it (who does?), but I will always process it thoughtfully, regardless of the deliverer.  Sometimes I process a bit too much and then get into a self-flogging mode.  I truly believe I am my own worst critic.  I say that because I often receive encouragement from a variety of people to give myself some credit where credit is due.  I am sure some might disagree with me on this and say that I can be difficult to critique, but I have learned that those are usually the ones that have a difficult time taking responsibility for their own actions.

I'm learning that I can't fix everything.  I have also learned that is ok to take a step back and not even try to fix everything.  Sometimes when I try to fix or resolve something, I make an even bigger mess of it (insert self-flogging here).  While some may question my motives and intentions, I know in my heart that I never set out with evil intent.  Sometimes I may be misguided in my efforts, but it is only because I care, sometimes too much.  No matter how much I try, sometimes it won't be enough, or it may be entirely off the mark.  I'm learning to forgive myself and move on.

Some people have difficulty accepting responsibility for their own actions, or acknowledging their own actions.  I've learned that you cannot have meaningful relationships with people who fall into this category.  If someone is consistently talking negatively of those that they say they love, steer clear.  Don't be lulled into a false sense of security that they trust you.  After all if they didn't why would they share such negativity about those they love with you.  Guess what, they don't trust you.  I don't believe they have trust for anyone, other than themselves.  I also have experienced that people that fall into this category will always choose themselves and their needs, wants and desires first, regardless if it hurts others.  Even if that means making those that they love give up something that is important to them.

These are just a few things that I have processed this week.  There are more, but that is all for now.

1 comment:

  1. LOL I actually did that one year! I thought it was hysterical. I'm not so sure anyone else got the humor though. :)
