Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Things on my mind.

This is going to be a writing exercise in 'stream of consciousness'.  Today I am pretty convinced that I have ADD as my mind jumps from one thing to another to another.  Rather than try to organize a group of related thoughts into fluid sentences and paragraphs, I think I will just share a glimpse of what the inner workings of my mind look like.  I know, its a scarey place.  Don't judge, I'm just being honest.

Some random thoughts:

1)  What should we have for dinner tonight?  I'm not sure but I think it should involve gorgonzola cheese and bacon.
2)  I had book club last night so I got to stay in the big house at co-housing.  The only problem was that there didn't seem to be any warm water for my shower this morning and when I say no warm water I mean there was only COLD water available.  I can't do cold showers unless I am in the tropics.  I had to go to work early so I didn't want to wake Aa and K8, so I shook a bottle of baby powder all over me, curled my hair and headed out the door.  Now its almost 5 and I can't decide if it is worth it to take a shower or just call it good.
3)  My bra is really digging into my right side..I'm prettty sure it's leaving a mark.
4)  Do I have to cook tonight or can I get away with feeding everyone leftover stuffing and mashed potatos and gravy???  If only the turkey wasn't all gone.
5)  I applied for a new job, but I really wish I would win the lottery instead.
6)  Looking thru Kirsten's senior masquerade pictures I keep thinking I wish I could go thru high school again, only with her confidence.
7)  The damn cat knocked over my new vase and broke it.  Should I try to glue it or just toss it?
8)  Someone just told me Dean is having surgery.  Hmmmm, I didn't know that, I think I forgot to ask him about something...
9)  Is it Wednesday or Thursday?  I can't remember
10)  I wonder how much I can use the 'i have no vitamin d in my system' as an excuse for doing things I don't like?
11)  I think I forgot to eat lunch.  I'm not really sure, but I certainly can't be this hungry if I HAD eaten lunch.
12)  I wonder if I can talk Dean into going out to dinner?
13)  I really need to figure out when I'm going to put Christmas decorations up.  Do you think anyone would notice if I don't put up the tree this year?
15)  I wonder if I smell like I didn't have a shower today? 
16)  I can't feel my left pinky finger...has it been like that for long and I didn't notice or?
17)  I wonder if I could get by with serving a variety of cheeses and crackers for dinner on a Wednesday night?  Would they notice there was no real meal?
18)  Is 4:00 pm too early to put PJs on if you aren't sick?
19)  I wish I could find some fuzzy socks to put on.
20)  I think I can put on PJs, it is dark out.

1 comment:

  1. Cheese & crackers is a real meal, and a mighty fine one at that. Add some wine, maybe a little fruit and it's downright gourmet. :)
