Friday, March 23, 2012

Some Kind of Musical

Today I realized that I have been VERY neglectful of my blogging ‘duties’.  Chalk it up to not feeling good, trying to adjust to a new work schedule, insert whatEVER ridiculous excuse you want to.  Bottom line, I have a little to catch up on.  One of the big events in our household since the beginning of the year was Annika’s participation in Lynden High School’s performance of ‘Once Upon a Mattress’.  Over the years we have seen many high school productions, but this was the first time that one of our kids had a role ON stage.  We were very excited for Annika.  She bravely tried out (something I surely never would have done as a kid—I don’t think I would do it NOW).  Try-outs consist of standing in front of a large group and singing a song of your choice withOUT accompaniment  Then if you survive that, they hand you a portion of a script and you have to ‘read’ for a part.  She did it.  She was rewarded with a part in the chorus.  
The musical was a comedy and we thoroughly enjoyed it.  I am sure we are a little biased, but we thought the kids all did an spectacular job.  I was lucky enough to be back stage with the cast a couple of nights.  I thoroughly enjoyed sitting back and listening to the kids interact with each other.  On opening night, I  was impressed when one of the kids gathered the others together and explained that each night before their performances they would have a popcorn prayer time.  For those that don’t know what that means, basically it is a time where one person begins by praying aloud and others in the circle can take turns adding their own part to the prayer time.  After a period of time, someone finishes and closes the prayer.  No one has to pray, it is optional, but the thanks and praises ‘pop’ around the circle in no particular order.  I know that our 2 oldest kids spent their entire pre-college school career attending a private Christian school, and I have experienced similar times with them.  While these experiences were no less meaningful, this was different, this impacted me in a significant way.  Remember, Annika attends the public high school, not the Christian school that Josh and Kirsten graduated from.   As I silently sat and listened, I was bowled over by the depth of their words as they went around the circle and voluntarily shared their thanks and praise.  I was emotionally affected.  I was drawn in to their time of reflection.
Annika learned a lot through her participation in the musical.  She strengthened friendships with an entertaining group of kids.  Being able to be back stage and observe her interacting with her peers in a healthy and ‘normal’ way made me realize how hard she has worked, how far she has come, how much she has grown and learned.  For that, I give my own praise and thanks.


1 comment:

  1. Whata HUGE accomplishment for Annika!! WTG! you must be so very proud of her and how far she has come!! You are such a great mom to have helped her through all these hard times, I am so glad you can sit back and enjoy the good times with her!
