Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Top 10 Oxymorons

This morning as I made breakfast, I chuckled to myself as I looked at some of the pantry items I was using.  I got to thinking about oxymorons and some of my favorites.  I felt compelled to compile a Top 10 List of the ones that make me smile.  So, my top 10 list of Oxymorons:. 

#10  Boneless Ribs

#9  Artificial Intelligence

#8  Jumbo Shrimp

#7  Clearly Misunderstood.

#6  Dying is a part of life. (isn't it really the end of it???)

#5  Volunteering is Mandatory (because if we left it to you to actually volunteer, not many would show up)

#4  Aunt Jemima Light (have you seen the picture of Aunt Jemima???)

#3  In Out Burgers (and I thought Burger King was the home of the $.99 enema, aka Whopper)

#2  All natural artificial flavors (as opposed to the all un-natural artificial kind)

and my #1 favorite oxymoron is:

Fair and balanced reporting.


  1. There was a piece on NPR this morning talking about "retirement jobs"... Ha!

  2. Oh Matt, that is just perfect....
