Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What do you use that for?

I just returned from the grocery store.  I had to pick up a few last minute things for Annika's 14th birthday party this afternoon.  (Have I ever mentioned that kids' birthday parties are not my thing??? different day, different entry).  Anywho.  I was at the store picking up the last minute goodies which I believe bring me VERY close to a grand total of $1k for this darn birthday (no just kidding).  I remembered that I needed some Cumin so I headed to the spice aisle.   First off, I have a very large spice cupboard.  I do not believe in only using salt and pepper and maybe some generic 'seasoning'.  I enjoy using a variety of spices in a variety of ways.  That being said I HATE to pay for them.  I love it when something I need can be found on the 'Hispanic Foods' aisle..pequeno dinero.  Today I found something new in my hunt for Cumin.  I found a bottle, correction, a rather large bottle of something marked 'Soul Seasoning'.  I almost bought it.  I am still wondering what EXACTLY is 'soul seasoning'?  Then again, I also still wonder what really is 'oriental flavor'??

1 comment:

  1. I googled it. Looks like a pretty generic blend meant to give food that southern soul taste.....whatever that is. What did I find in the spice section recently? Bacon salt! Yup. Since everything is better with bacon I bought it. Used it on some steaks I grilled. It was pretty delish. And without the added fat of actual bacon. :)
