Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wish Lists

Time for a break and something a little more light-hearted. I was at the mall last night doing a little birthday shopping for our oldest. I love it when I ask my kids for their birthday or Christmas lists. This year, Joshua’s birthday list was sent to me by e-mail and it went something like this:

“Amazon gift card—I could put it towards books for next quarter and workbooks/fun things for the summer. Also money for when I go over to Evy’s memorial day weekend. We’re going out to dinner. Also a black dress shirt to go with my black pants (glad he clarified that one–I was worried he might be trying to pair a black dress shirt with his brown slacks). And a new black belt. If you need more ideas, let me know. I can prolly come up with more.” And yes, he did spell ‘probably’ just like that...doggone texting–people are forgetting how to really spell!!

I was thankful that this list didn’t require me shopping on Ebay for something obscure and REALLY random. I had THAT problem at Christmas. I found the ambiguous item, paid for it, waited weeks for its arrival, only to discover days before Christmas that I had been scammed. Another last minute trip to the mall at Christmas–JOY! JOY! JOY!

Kirsten always comes up with some interesting lists. Her birthday list this year went something like this:

“Llama, Alpaca, money, Jeep, money, fainting goat, money, clothes, stay in a castle.”

Very helpful. NOT. She received clothes, half of which she took back...but hey if you aren’t going to be specific.

Annika tends to be a little more, well, literal. Her birthday list last year went something like this:

“cell phone, allow me to be on Facebook, cell phone, money, cell phone, money, lots and lots of clothes, itunes, a tv of my own for my room, ihome, money.”

While she is definitely more literal, she can also be extremely unrealistic! We have caved on some things, like the cell phone (but that had a therapeutic reason behind that one!), but I think if she thinks she is getting a TV for her room, she will have a very long wait.

Now, how about me? No one ever asks me for my list. Sure, as special events are on the horizon, I might hear ‘so I hate to not figure it out on my own, but what do you think we should do for ?’ I generally tend to make it easy and lay out a specific thing that won’t put too much pressure on the checkbook. BUT, what if I could make a real list? Hmmmmmmmm, I think it might go something like this:

1 case of Cougar Crest Estate Grown Viognier
Gift Certificate to Sole Obsessions Shoe Store
½ case of Cougar Crest Anniversary Cuvee
Gift Certificate to Zappos shoes
½ case of Woodward Canyon Chardonnay
Gift Certificate to Macys
½ case of Ryan Patrick Estate Chardonnay
Gift Certificate to Lowes.

You see, I am a well-balanced girl!

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