Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Full Disclosure--Overstuffed Handbag

During my lunch break, I was digging thru my handbag and realized that I carry a plethora of things in that bag. I have never been one that carries a small handbag, but right now I am primarily using my colorful super summer tote. (Disclosure: I am also one that has to be sure that my handbag coordinates with my clothing and/or shoes...drives me batty if it doesn’t and nobody needs me anymore crazy than I already am!) In the interest of keeping it real, I decided to inventory and list what is currently in my handbag:

1) Prescription sunglasses
2) Granola bar (I did have 2, but I gave Kirsten one at state tournament when she was starving)
3) PALM personal organizer
4) Expired $10 off coupon to Famous Footwear (darn, missed it again)
5) Kohls’ and Old Navy receipts
6) Pack of kleenex
7) Mints (2 packs, Mini-Altoids and Eclipse)
8) Expired Lowes $25 off card (missed that one too)
9) $25 Regal Entertainment gift card
10) $25 Olive Garden gift card
11) $25 Outback gift card
12) 2 Propel packs (to try to convince me to drink more water by adding fruity flavor)
13) Eye Dr. appointment reminder card
14) 2 WIAA passes to State Championship events
15) Car keys
16) Office keys
17) Keys to my Mom’s home (funny I don’t even think I have a key to my OWN house)
18) 2 tubes of lipstick–1 should have been thrown away weeks ago, the other is new
19) Advil
20) small notebook and pen
21) Make-up compact (empty, again should have been thrown away weeks ago)
22) 3 old grocery lists
23) Checkbook (stuffed with receipts and held closed with a binder clip)
24) Wallet (I won’t survey that one–suffice it to say stuffed with receipts, not cash)
25) Stack of receipts stapled together (because they could no longer fit in #23)
26) 3 pens
27) New bank card I am supposed to activate, but keep forgetting (my old one still works, why bother?)
28) Post-it reminding me of upcoming appointments for Annika
29) Beat up pad of paper from Embassy Suites Hotels–that HAS to be old, the last time I stayed at Embassy Suites I believe was August 2009!
30) Paystub
31) Hotel receipt from Hampton Inn Richland (state softball)
32) Stack of Macy’s ‘Star Rewards’ coupons (YAY! None of these are expired!!)
33) Receipt for purchase of graduation gifts
34) Grocery Store brochure for deli and bakery trays (just in case)
35) Sheet protector filled with take-out menus (for a little project I am working on)
36) last, but not least, cell phone

The bag is getting a little heavy. If only I had something I could throw away.  Oh and please, please remember the proper term IS handbag, purse is something you do with your lips--right Becky?

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