Monday, June 27, 2011

Pet Peeve alert

So anyone who knows me know that I love Facebook.  Or maybe it is more accurate to say that I am a frequent flyer when it comes to Facebook.  I check it (almost) every day, often a few times a day.  That being said, I have a pet peeve about Facebook.  I am sure I have been guilty of it as well, but I do work really hard to not do this.  What is the pet peeve??

My pet peeve is when people post things like:
Susie is:  having Dick and Jane and their kids over for dinner tonight. Can't wait to hang out and play games
Dick is:  excited that Susie and Bill invited Jane and I and the kids over for dinner
Lucy is:  looking forward to going to Charlie's birthday party tonight, it should be great

Linus is:  glad that he got to go to Charlie's birthday party last night, we all had a blast

Are you getting my pet peeve?  My pet peeve is when people post of specifics to events that not everyone is invited to.  I see these posts and I feel lonely.  I mean Sue and Bill have never asked us over for dinner and games. Charlie didn't invite us to his birthday party.  Linus and Lucy got to go, why didn't they ask me??

I realize I have probably been guilty of this as well.  I try to watch it, but I am sure I have messed up sometimes.  Maybe when I mess up it is because I want Susie, Dick, Lucy, Charlie and Linus to know that we don't sit at home ALL the time, sometimes people do invite us to do things.

That is it, that is pet peeve of the day.  Good-bye.


  1. I try to keep specifics out of my updates for that very reason. Ad then I hear complaints like "why are you so cryptic?". Well....guess you will never please everyone! I think I would rather leave someone wondering than take a chance on hurting a friends feelings.

  2. I is never an easy know it is never intended. Maybe it doesn't bother most people...I am just overly-sensitive to it.
